Mission Impossible: Front Hall Closet

April 6, 2011

Everyone will tell you that you should never start another project without finishing the first one.  But that's not how we roll around these here parts.  I'm exceptionally good at having a "brilliant" (to me anyway) idea, starting it, and then coming up with another idea and running with that one.  And poor Craig is left to finish my projects or get recruited into whatever new thing I'm working on.

So we had started Project: Organization in the kitchen, but I'm not going to share pics of that just yet because we haven't actually done anything yet except take stuff out of the cabinets and put them in "piles" around the living/dining/kitchen area.  We actually haven't had a chance to work on the kitchen since Monday because we've been getting home really late these past few days.  Then wouldn't you know...BAM!!  A new idea hits me and I want to start working on the front hall closet.  I promised Craig that I wouldn't start working on this project just yet, but I thought I'd share what we're up against.  Behold, our front closet:

Ignore the lunch containers in this photo.  They didn't make the cut in the kitchen, so they're sitting at the front door, just waiting to be shipped off to their new home.  Not too shabby, right?  I'm not a huge fan of the mirrored doors, and I'm even less of a fan of the bifold doors, so they are going to be the first things to go when I have my way with this space.  And just what do we have inside besides your typical coats/jackets/storage bins?  This mess:

This is our current hiding spot storage space for the following: our reusable grocery bags, my purse(s), camera bag, coats we never wear, backpacks, swimming goggles, badminton racquets and shuttles, a volleyball and a couple of exercise weights.  Not sure why we didn't just hide this stuff in the other closets around the house.  I guess we thought we'd keep this junk at the door, you know, in case we go out and maybe want to bring a volleyball along.

Now most of the sporting equipment will find a new home in the garage, but since that's still on the to-do list as well, we're going to clear out the space and start from scratch.  I have a feeling that a lot of the things you see (or maybe can't see because they're crammed all the way in the back) will be showcased in our garage sale this summer.  It will be nice to reclaim the space!

As for the doors, we'll be donating those to our second favorite place in the world: Habitat for Humanity ReStore.  We've already donated a bunch of stuff to the ReStore (and a few things have made their way home with us as well).  So it will be nice to donate them and replace them with...(drumroll please)...regular doors!  Shocking, right?  I know, we're so cutting edge.  I'm hoping that by having two side-by-side doors, we'll be able to access the dark recesses of the closet and better utilize the space.  And we'll still include mirrors on the doors so we can check ourselves out before we leave the house (which I actually never do because we're usually running out the door and then I'm usually stuck wandering around the office with really bad bedhead for most of the morning).  A couple of doors, a set of mirrors, pretty baskets and maybe even some wallpaper and I might just move in!

(And I know what you're thinking.  I should just quit my day job and become a professional photographer because I am just that good.  What can I say?  I'm a slow learner.  I'll get better...I hope!)


elisa said...

What kind of doors? Have you found anything you like so far?

loveshack said...

We're going to try something I saw elsewhere. We'll see how it all works out...

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