Summer Lovin' 2011

July 5, 2011

Hey strangers!

Wow, has it really been almost two whole months since I last posted?!  I guess time really does fly when you're having fun.  I hate to admit it, but the house projects have been somewhat on the back burner these last few weeks.  Since summer only lasts what seems like four months around these parts, we've got to get out there and enjoy it while we can!  The projects are lining up, but who knows when we'll get to them.  We're not the quickest when it comes to finishing projects anyway, and you already know we like to bite off way more than we can chew, but we're trying to find a healthy balance between fixing up this fixer-upper and just enjoying life maintaining our sanity.

But just because I've been severely neglecting the blog doesn't mean I've abandoned the whole thing.  I've actually been keeping busy trying to improve my photography skills (to give you guys way better eye candy).  I signed up for the Photo 101 class offered by Nicole's Classes.  I've been spending a lot of quality time with my camera over the last four weeks, and I'm excited to finally be able to use it properly after two years of pointing and shooting!

Here are a couple of my favorite shots that I submitted for my course:

Still have a lot to work on, but at least I finally know what f/5.6 means!

In totally unrelated news, notice anything different around here?  (You'll have to go to the site if you're viewing this post in Google Reader.)  What do you think of the semi-new look?  I changed it a while ago but am just bringing up now...

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